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SonarHub | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch SonarHub | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
You can use the SonarHub to view data from CHIRP, broadband and
StructureScan HD transducers.
¼ Note: When the SonarHub is in CHIRP mode, you cannot use
StructureScan mode.
A CHIRP (Compressed High Intensity Radar Pulse) transducer sends
out an elongated pulse that broadcasts all frequencies within the
bandwidth of the selected transducer type (Low CHIRP, Medium
CHIRP, High CHIRP). This results in better image quality, better target
separation and greater depth penetration.
CHIRP frequencies
Provides the best depth penetration with lower
resolution images
Medium CHIRP
Better depth penetration than High CHIRP, but
with minimal loss of target definition
High CHIRP Offers high resolution images in shallow water
Selecting a frequency
You can view CHIRP or broadband sonar by selecting the desired
frequency from the sonar frequency menu.
¼ Note: Available frequencies are determined by the installed
transducer and the selected transducer type.
Viewing StructureScan
You cannot view StructureScan data with a CHIRP frequency
selected on the sonar frequency menu.
Select a broadband frequency (50/83/200) on the sonar frequency menu
2. Display the Structure page
3. Turn off Stop Sonar