
To turn other routing instructions on and off: In addition to audi-
ble beeps whenever you press keys, the iWAY 100m is able to speak
instructions guiding you through your routes. The Sounds Menu pro-
vides four checkboxes to let you control how much time the iWAY
spends talking to you.
The Voice Instructions command controls all spoken instructions
throughout your route. If you turn off Voice Instructions, the iWAY will
not play any turn instructions as you drive.
The Verbose Mode option controls how many of the navigation instruc-
tions the iWAY should tell you. When Verbose Mode is turned on, the
iWAY will instruct you at every turn. When it's turned off, the iWAY
will only speak up at the most important turns.
The Read Distances and Read Street Names options control whether or
not the iWAY speaks those portions of the turn instructions.
To turn any of these options on or off, select its label using or and
ENT to check it (turn it on) and uncheck it (turn it off). If you turn
off Voice Instructions, they can still be accessed by pressing
which will make iWAY state the current instruction.
To adjust Periodic Instruction frequency: Select the label for the
PERIODIC INSTRUCTION slider and use or to adjust it. Move the slider to
the right to increase the frequency of spoken instructions, or to the left
to decrease it.
Periodic Instructions are repeated at set intervals and are intended as
reminders. Use this slider to adjust the frequency of Period Instructions
until your iWAY is giving you exactly as much information as you need.
To set Volume: Select the label for the
VOICE VOLUME slider and use
or to adjust it. Move the slider to the right to increase the output
volume, or to the left to decrease it.
Units of Measure
This menu adjusts the units of measure iWAY uses to display speed
and distance (statute miles or meters), your heading (true or magnetic),
the current time (12 hour or 24 hour format), and the date
(Month/Day/Year, Day/Month/Year or Year/Month/Day).
To change any of these, from the Main Menu choose
and the menu shown in the following image will appear.