Section 4:
Searching, Finding, and Navigating
One of the most important uses of the iWAY is generating routes to
help you get from where you are, to where you want to be. In this sec-
tion, we'll teach you how to make iWAY generate a route for you, as
well as how to use the information iWAY provides.
With the exception of the one-touch
GO TO CURSOR command available at the
press of
ENT, the iWAY's search functions all begin with the FIND button.
When you press this key, the Find menu appears, as shown in the follow-
ing image.
The iWAY Find Menu.
You can search for items even before the unit has acquired a posi-
tion. If you do a search before your position has been determined,
iWAY will show you distance and bearing to the selected item from
the unit's last known position (or the cursor, if the cursor is active).
The options available when you choose
MAP PLACES all point to a data-
base of POIs (Points of Interest) stored on your unit. We've divided
Fuel, Lodging and Restaurants into their own categories to save you
time on the most common searches. No matter which of these options
you choose, you'll be able to either search for places nearest your cur-
rent position, or to search for specific places by name.