
take. If the route is over unknown ground, this can be a very useful way
to prepare yourself for the path ahead.
Considering Temporary or Local Conditions
Of course, the iWAY cannot possibly be aware of all temporary or local
conditions that could affect your course. Short-term construction, traffic
jams, or local bans on U-turns could all impact the usefulness of an
iWAY-generated route.
If you're following a route generated by the iWAY and temporary or
local conditions make it impossible (or inconvenient) to follow the
iWAY's instructions, use your best judgment. Keep driving, and do your
best to keep moving toward your destination.
Whenever the iWAY notices that you have left the path it generated for
you, it will begin generating a new one, based on your new position.
This feature is particularly handy for dealing with temporary or local
conditions that interfere with a route. When construction diverts you
from the route the iWAY recommended, you'll often find that the iWAY
recalculates your route and builds one that matches the official detour.
The most important step in learning how to follow iWAY's routes is
practicing. Use the iWAY as often as possible, and pay attention to the
way it "thinks." With time, you'll learn exactly how to get the very most
out of the navigation provided by this clever little GPS unit.