HDS Fishnder Features
• Built-in Broadband Sounder
• Brilliant, New SolarMAX™ PLUS Display
• Ethernetworks and NMEA 2000
Performance Networking Options
• Expanded New 2-Year Warranty
Model Part
With 83/200 kHz transducer 140-27
With 50/200 kHz transducer 140-28
No transducer 140-29
Optional Accessories Page
Transducers, up to 1 kW 34
NMEA 2000
& Fuel Management 28
Ethernetworks 31
VHF Marine DSC radios 24
The legendary Lowrance X-series lives on in this next-generation
advancement in shnding for the serious and professional angler. Its
exceptionally enhanced features and performance are precisely
revealed on high-denition 5”/12.7 cm 256-color SolarMAX™ PLUS
display with adjustable screen and keypad backlighting. Best of all,
Lowrance Broadband Sounder is now built in. So you can nd more sh
with greater sensitivity, higher denition, more display clarity, much less
clutter and the best separation of sh from cover ever achieved by
Plus, you can quickly and easily save waypoints using the HDS-5x when
networked with any HDS chartplotter or multifunction unit.
The Most Revolutionary Finders Since The Little Green Box
Multifunction Fishnder