
2-Y e ar
Limited Warranty
The Most Revolutionary Finders Since The Little Green Box
HDS Redenes ‘Ease of Use’
Viewing and control have never been easier, nor more user-friendly. From basic operation to
advanced professional functionality, HDS is thoughtfully designed to take you to the next level.
Stylish and Retrot-Ready
True, HDS sports a more modern design
to enhance any boat helm. Yet, by
design, HDS makes it easy to upgrade
your Lowrance electronics. HDS is
compatible with late-model Lowrance
transducers, plus yellow Ethernetworks
and NMEA 2000
network connectors.
New 2-year Protection
Lowrance also warrants that buying
HDS will put your mind at ease. Each
now come with a new, expanded 2-year
limited warranty, protecting you from
defects in materials and workmanship
under normal use for a full 24 months
after purchase. At no extra cost.
Optional two-year extended warranty
also available for purchase.
A Touch Better
For even easier and quicker control,
HDS-8, -8m, -10 and -10m models
feature a unique new FlyWheel™ scroll
dial, as well as a bank of soft command
keys for the fastest access to functions.
So, you spend less time operating and
more time shing.
Screen Star
In the easy-to-view category, HDS really
shines. New SolarMAX™ PLUS color
displays render fantastic detail in
sunlight, with the best wide-angle
viewing ever achieved. In fact, most now
deliver nearly twice the brilliance with
signicantly-reduced power draw than
before! Plus, super-white LED
backlighting has zero-dim for eye-
soothing night vision protection.
Enjoy Our New Menu Selection
The new, more versatile HDS operating
system presents a new way to view and
select Lowrance features. This new
menu format is both easy to grasp and
thoughtfully functional, so you can y
through keypad functions control with
the greatest of ease and speed.
Better to Find Yourself
With a built-in, high-sensitivity
16-channel GPS+WAAS antenna HDS
is a superior solution for both bracket
mount, and in-dash installs with the.
convenience of front mounting. Plus,
the internal GPS antenna also
networks with NMEA 2000
for data sharing. No external antenna
to place, no mess, no fuss. Just
advanced GPS accuracy with strong
satellite locks and less track plot
For closed-cabin installs, there’s also a
new and compact LGC-4000 external
GPS+WAAS antenna module option
for HDS with a true, real-time satellite
signal update rate of ve times per
second for incredible location accuracy.
For details, see page 28.