Oxygen Series User Guide 6
7. Sliders:
Oxygen 49 and 61 feature nine Sliders. Oxygen 25 features one Slider.
DirectLink Operation:
Oxygen 49 and 61: The first eight sliders automatically map to control the track volume for the currently
selected bank of eight tracks in a supported DAW application. The right-most Slider (C9) maps to the master
volume fader of a supported DAW application.
Oxygen 25: The single slider will map to the master volume fader of a supported DAW.
Standard Operation:
These sliders send different types of standard MIDI CC messages or advanced MIDI messages (see Appendix
B), based on the parameter they are assigned to, or the active preset. Each slider can be mapped to control
various parameters in your DAW by using your recording application’s MIDI Learn function (if available – check
the user documentation for your DAW), or assigning the slider manually as described in Section 9 - Advanced
Programming Functions.
8. Slider Buttons:
Oxygen 49 and 61 feature nine Slider Buttons.
DirectLink Operation:
The first eight buttons map to the currently active bank of eight tracks within supported DAW applications. By
default, pressing a Slider button will mute the corresponding DAW track. Pressing and holding the right-most
Button (C26) places all other Slider buttons in Solo mode. While the right-most button is held down, pressing
another Slider button will solo the corresponding DAW track.
When using Pro Tools 8, the right-most Slider button (C26) also allows using the eight Oxygen control knobs to
adjust either the left, or the right pan knobs of Pro Tools stereo tracks (only available on Oxygen 49 and 61). By
default, the Oxygen knobs control the left pan knobs of stereo tracks. While the right-most button is held down,
the Oxygen knobs control the right pan knobs of Pro Tools stereo tracks.
Standard Operation:
These buttons send different types of standard MIDI CC, MIDI note or other advanced MIDI messages (see
Appendix B), based on the parameter they are assigned to, or the active preset. Each button can be mapped to
control various parameters in your DAW by using your recording software’s MIDI Learn function (if available –
check the user documentation for your DAW), or assigning the Oxygen controls manually as described in
Section 9 - Advanced Programming Functions.
Not available on Oxygen 25