Oxygen Series User Guide 7
Assigning a Note to a Button
It is possible to configure a Button to send a Note On message when it is held down, and a Note Off message when it
is released.
This requires four values to be specified (values given are examples):
The following example configures a button to play MIDI note E4 while it is being held down and stop the note when the
button is released.
1. Select a button as described earlier in this guide
2. Press the Advanced button
3. Press the Control Assign key
4. Enter 147 using the number keys. This sets the button to trigger MIDI Notes (see Appendix B)
5. Press the Enter key
6. Press the Advanced button
7. Press the Data 1 key (Pitch/Note parameter)
8. Enter "64" using the number keys. This sets the button to play MIDI note 64 (E4 - see Appendix C)
9. Press the Enter key
10. Press the Advanced button
11. Press the Data 2 key (Velocity Off)
12. Enter 0 using the number keys. This sets the button to transmit a Note Off message with a release velocity
value of zero.
13. Press the Enter key
14. Press the Advanced button
15. Press the Data 3 key (Velocity On)
16. Enter 100 using the number keys. This sets the button to transmit a Note On message with a velocity of 100
when pressed
17. Press the Enter key
: It is also possible to configure a button to send a note on message when it is pressed and a note off message
when it is pressed a second time. To do this, follow the above configuration steps, but enter 148 for the "Control
Assign" parameter (see Appendix B).
Key Parameter Value
Control Assign Trigger Note On/Off 147
Data 1 (example) Note pitch 64 (E4 - see Appendix C)
Data 2 (example) Note off velocity 0
Data 3 (example) Note on velocity 100