Oxygen Series User Guide 5
Setting Trigger Values for the Buttons or the Sustain Pedal
It is possible to set a Trigger Value for a button or the sustain pedal, causing it to send one value when pressed and
held down, and another value when released.
The sustain pedal is already configured to send trigger values by default, ensuring it activates the sustain effect when
pressed and deactivates it when the pedal is released. Buttons can also be configured to operate this way, which
requires four values to be specified. At the example of the sustain pedal, these four values are:
When working with proprietary M-Audio parameters from the 128-255 range, the "Control Assign" setting is
used to configure a button or the sustain pedal for this special mode of operation. This means that certain values that
are usually specified through the "Control Assign" setting must instead be specified via the "Data 1" parameter (such
as the standard MIDI CC parameter in the example below).
The following example will configure a button to "hard pan" the sound to the right speaker when it is held down, and
"hard pan" to the left speaker when it is released. This involves configuring the button to operate as a trigger, while
controlling the Pan parameter (MIDI CC 10):
1. Select a button as described earlier in this guide
2. Press the Advanced button
3. Press the Control Assign key
4. Type 146 using the number keys. This configures the button to operate as a trigger (press/release).
See Appendix B
5. Press the Enter key
6. Press the Advanced button
7. Press the Data 1 key
8. Type 10 using the number keys. This specifies which parameter the button will trigger and release. In this
example, MIDI CC 10 (Pan). See Appendix A
9. Press the Enter key
10. Press the Advanced button
11. Press the Data 2 key
12. Type 0 using the number keys. This sets the "release" value to zero. In other words, sound will be panned
"hard left" when the button is released.
13. Press the Enter key
14. Press the Advanced button
15. Press the Data 3 key
16. Type 127 using the number keys. This sets the "press" value to the maximum value, so that the sound is
panned hard right when the button is pressed.
17. Press the Enter key
Key Parameter Value
Control Assign Trigger On/Off operation 146
Data 1 (example) MIDI CC number 64 (Sustain)
Data 2 (example) Button/Pedal Released 0 (minimum)
Data 3 (example) Button/Pedal Pressed 127 (maximum)
TIP: It can be useful to transmit two other specific values instead of sending minimum (zero) and
maximum (127) values as in the above example. When assigning a button to control Pan (MIDI CC 10),
you can, for example, configure Data 2 to send value 38, and Data 3 to send value 93, effectively
causing pan to switch between the approximate "ten o’clock" and "two o’clock" positions when
pressing and releasing the button.