Focusing the Telescope
As you look over your new RCX telescope, one of the first things you will notice is that it has no Focus Knob!
Because this design is of key importance, we are presenting this information on how to focus your telescope on the inside
front cover so that it is immediately accessible.
The Focus Key
All focusing of the RCX400 is performed digitally, using AutoStar II’s Focus key (number key 4).
The Focus ke
y functions as a toggle key:
ܖ Press the Focus key the first time to focus the telescope and to control
the speed at which you focus.
ܖ Press the Focus key again to set and adjust up to nine focus presets.
To change the focus speed:
1. Press the Focus key once. “Focuser: Fast (or the current speed)” displays for two seconds. Use one of the Scroll keys to
scroll through the list of 4 a
vailable focus speeds: Fast, Medium, Slow, Fine. Scroll through the list until the speed you
desire displays. Choose a focus speed with which you feel comfortable.
To focus the telescope:
1. Press the Focus key once. “Focuser: Fast (or the current speed)” displays. After two seconds, “Focuser: Position = XX” dis-
plays. “XX” stands for a number value in decimal millimeters.
2. Point the telescope at a distant object. Look in the eyepiece and use the Arrow keys until the image in the eyepiece is in
To exit the focus operation at any time:
1. Press MODE.
If you wish learn how to set focus presets, see page 19.
How to Hot Swap the Autostar II Handbox
You may move the Autostar II handbox from one computer control panel to another, without turning off the RCX control panel.
This is called “hot swapping.”
o hot swap the handbox:
1. Unplug the handbox connector and plug Autostar II into the HBX port of the other computer control panel.
2. Press and hold the “?” key for two seconds to refresh the display.