#1220 Field De-r
The field de-rotater attaches to the rear cell of the telescope
and plugs into an RS232 (Serial) port. Digital data fed from the telescope's micro-
processor to the field de-rotater permit precise and continuous update of the de-rota-
tion required to maintain pinpoint star images throughout the field. The effect is that
ven during the longest CCD or photographic exposures, the telescope acts as if it
were precisely equatorially mounted.
#1222 Field De-rotater: For use with the 16"
Plugs into a special connector on the control panel.
C Wall Adapter:
ermits powering from a standard home (115v AC) outlet.
Cigarette Lighter Adapter: Powering the RCX400 telescope by means of an automo-
bile cigarette lighter plug.
#644 Flip Mirror System: Has an X/Y adjustment mechanism for the diagonal mirror
with locks for the precise centering, and multiple rotating adapters for T-thread and
1.25” camera attachment. Accepts 1.25” O.D. eyepieces and has a clear aperture of
22mm. Use with small to medium size chip CCD cameras. See
Fig. 46, page 49, to
see image of the Flip Mirror System attached to the rear cell of an
RCX400 model.
#647 Flip Mirror System: Has an X/Y adjustment mechanism for the diagonal mirror
with locks for the precise centering, and multiple rotating adapters for T-thread and
1.25” camera attachment. Accepts 1.25” O.D. and 2.00” eyepieces and has a clear
aperture of 40mm. Use with medium to large size chip CCD cameras. See
Fig. 46,
page 49, to see image of the Flip Mirror System attached to the rear cell of an RCX400
CCD Framing Ocular: Displays rectangular frame of all popular CCD chip sizes.
Inserts directly into the eyepiece holder or flip mirror. Includes variable LED illumina-
tion control and batteries.
Astrometric Eyepiece: A high-precision 3-element achromatic eyepiece for a wide
range of astronomical measurements. Measure double star separations, position
angles, planetary diameters, lunar crater diameters and so forth. Includes variable
LED illumination control and batteries.
RCX Super Wedge: The equatorial wedge permits use of the RCX400 models in an
astronomical, or “equatorial,” mode. The superwedge fits onto the
RCX tripod.
Equatorial alignment allows you to take longer exposure photographs with your
RCX400. See APPENDIX A: EQUATORIAL (POLAR) ALIGNMENT, page 57 to 61, for fur-
ther information.
Deep Sky Imager: The Deep Sky Imager combines the power of an electronic astro-
nomical imager with the simplicity of a web cam, allowing you to capture deep sky
images on your PC. See PHOTOGRAPHY WITH AUTOSTAR SUITE, pages 47 and 48, for
more information.
More accessories will soon be available for your
RCX400 model. To find out more
about these and other accessories available for your telescope, check out the Meade
General Catalog or contact your local Meade dealer. Also check out Meade’s latest
ads in Sky and Telescope and Astronomy magazine.
Star Charts
Even with the Autostar II's massive 180,000 object library, star charts and
planispheres are still useful for a variety of reasons. In particular, they are a
reat aid in planning a night of celestial vie
A wide variety of star charts are available in books, in magazines, on the inter-
net and on CD Roms. Meade offers Autostar Suite and other star locator soft-
are. Contact your Meade dealer or Meade's Customer Service department
for more information.
and Sky and
magazines pr
int star char
ts each month
for up-to-the-minute maps of the heavens.
Fig. 47: The Deep Sky Imager.