Panel Light:
Allows you to turn off LED panel light.
Aux Port Power:
Allows you turn off and on the 12vDC OUT power port.
Beep: Turns the beep alerts on or off.
Temperature: Gives a temperature reading of the ambient air. This reading is not always
Landmark Survey: Automatically slews the telescope to all user-defined landmarks
with a shor
t pause at each location. Press ENTER to start the survey. While a slew is
in progress, press any key to skip that object and go to the next landmark on the list.
To observe a landmark for a longer period, press MODE when paused on the object
to stop the survey. Press ENTER to restart the survey at the first object on the list.
Sleep Scope: A power saving option that shuts down Autostar II and the telescope
without forgetting its alignment.With "Sleep Scope" selected, press ENTER to activate
the Sleep function. Autostar II goes dark, but the internal clock keeps running. Press
any key, except ENTER, to re-activate Autostar II and the telescope.
Park Scope: Designed for a telescope that is not moved between observing sessions.
Align the telescope one time, then use this function to park the telescope. The next
time it is powered up, pressing ENTER causes the telescope to move to its predeter-
mined Park position. Once parked, the screen prompts to turn off power.
Important Note: When the "Park Scope" option is chosen and the display
prompts you to turn off the telescope's power, Autostar II is unable to be
returned to operation without turning the power off and then back on.
Setup Menu
There are numerous other features available within the Setup menu, including:
Align on Home: For permanently mounted telescopes only. If Calibrate Home has
been performed, power up your telescope and select this menu to return the previ-
ously calibrated home position. In other words, the telescope is fully aligned accord-
ing to the setting that were stored in Autostar II's memory during the Calibrate Home
procedure. See
CALIBRATE HOME, page 33, for more information.
Date: Changes the date used by Autostar II. This function is useful to check events in
the past or future. For example: Set the Date menu for a day three months in the
future.Then check the "Select Item: Event" menu for the Sunset time on that date. See
EVENT MENU, page 30.
Time: Changes the time entered into Autostar II. Setting the correct time is critical for
Autostar II to proper
ly calculate locations and e
vents. Time may be set to "AM," "PM,"
or 24-hour mode (military time). To select the 24-hour mode, press ENTER when the
the "b
lank" option displa
ys (
, neither "AM" nor "PM" is displa
ylight Sa
les or disab
les the Da
ylight Sa
vings time setting.
Note: Daylight Savings Time may be referred to by different names in vari-
ous areas of the w
k local time to v
Want to learn more about
Landmarks? See page 39.
Look into the Future
The Autostar II Date option in the Setup menu is much more than just an entry
of today's date; with it you can look far into the future or learn about past
Autostar II can calculate the date and times of future events and, except
or eclipses, past events as well (based on the current calendar system).
a Sunrise on March 6, 2043 A.D. or the Vernal Equinox in 1776 A.D.To use this
feature, enter the desired date in the Setup menu or select an option in the
Event menu.
Autostar II, using the Event menu, can calculate dates and times for Sunrises,
Sunsets, Moonrises, Moonsets, Moonphases, Solar and Lunar Eclipses (for
the ne
xt 100 y
ears), meteor showers, equinoxes and solstices, and the mini-
mums of Algol.
One very practical use of the Event menu is to check the Sunset option to
determine when you can begin your astronomical observing session.