Practical hints
Where will I find ...?
̄ Where will I find ...?
First aid kit
The first aid kit is in the storage compart-
ment at the front edge of the front passen-
ger seat.
1 Tab
̈ Pull tab 1 upward.
̈ Fold the covering forward.
̈ Remove the first aid kit.
Vehicle tool kit, jack and spare wheel
The vehicle tool kit is located in the cargo
compartment underneath the third row
seat cushions and footwell.
1 Release handle for seat backrest
2 Release handle for seat cushion
̈ Pull release handle 1 and fold seat
backrest for the folding bench seat up-
̈ Pull release handle 2, fold seat cush-
ion upward and remove it
୴ page 136).
1 Release handle
2 Footwell
̈ Pull release handle 1 and fold
footwell 2 up.
̈ To lock, fold footwell 2 back into its
original position and press it down until
it engages.
Check expiration dates and contents
for completeness at least once a year
and replace missing/expired items.
In order to access the vehicle tool kit,
you must first detach the side cover.