
Technical data
Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.
Premium unleaded gasoline Gasoline additives
A major concern among engine manufac-
turers is carbon build-up caused by gaso-
line. Mercedes-Benz recommends only the
use of quality gasoline containing additives
that prevent the build-up of carbon depos-
After an extended period of using fuels
without such additives, carbon deposits
can build up especially on the intake valves
and in the combustion area, leading to en-
gine performance problems such as:
ț Warm-up hesitation
ț Unstable idle
ț Knocking/pinging
ț Misfire
ț Power loss
In areas where carbon deposits may be en-
countered due to lack of availability of
gasolines which contain these additives,
Mercedes-Benz recommends the use of
additives approved by us for use on
Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Refer to Factory
Approved Service Products Pamphlet for a
listing of approved product(s). Follow di-
rections on product label.
Do not blend any specific fuel additives
with fuel. This only results in unnecessary
costs and may be harmful to the engine op-
Damage or malfunction resulting from
poor fuel quality or from blending addition-
al fuel additives other than those tested
and approved by us for use on
Mercedes-Benz vehicles listed in the Fac-
tory Approved Service Products pamphlet
are not covered by the Mercedes-Benz
Limited Warranty.
To maintain the engine’s durability and
performance, premium unleaded gaso-
line must be used. If premium unleaded
gasoline is not available and low octane
fuel is used, follow these precautions:
ț Have the fuel tank only partially
filled with unleaded regular and fill
up with premium unleaded as soon
as possible
ț Avoid full throttle driving and abrupt
ț Do not exceed an engine speed of
3000 rpm if the vehicle is loaded
with a light load such as two per-
sons and no luggage
ț Do not exceed
of maximum ac-
celerator pedal position if the vehi-
cle is fully loaded or operating in
mountainous terrain