
Technical data
Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.
Fuel requirements
Use only premium unleaded gasoline
meeting ASTM standard D 439:
ț The octane number (posted at the
pump) must be 91 “min”. It is an aver-
age of both the Research (R) Octane
Number and the Motor (M) Octane
Number: (R+M)/2). This is also known
Unleaded gasoline containing oxygenates
such as ethanol, IPA, IBA and TBA can be
used provided the ratio of any one of these
oxygenates to gasoline does not exceed
10%; MTBE must not exceed 15%.
The ratio of methanol to gasoline must not
exceed 3% plus additional cosolvents.
Using mixtures of ethanol and methanol is
not allowed. Gasohol, which contains 10%
ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline, can be
These blends must also meet all other fuel
requirements, such as resistance to spark
knock, boiling range, vapor pressure, etc.
The engine coolant is a mixture of water
and anticorrosion/antifreeze, which pro-
ț Corrosion protection
ț Freeze protection
ț Boiling protection (by increasing the
boiling point)
The cooling system was filled at the factory
with a coolant providing freeze protection
to approximately -22°F (-30°C) and corro-
sion protection.
If the antifreeze mixture is effective to
-22°F (-30°C), the boiling point of the cool-
ant in the pressurized cooling system is
reached at approximately 266°F (130°C).
The coolant solution must be used
year-round to provide the necessary corro-
sion protection and increase boil-over pro-
tection. Refer to Maintenance Booklet for
replacement interval.