
Control systems
COMAND navigation
Safety precautions
Warning! G
For safety reasons, only enter a destination
when the vehicle is stationary. When the ve-
hicle is in motion, a passenger should enter
the destination. Study manual and select
route before driving.
Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph
(approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is
covering a distance of 44 feet (approximate-
ly 14 m) every second.
COMAND calculates the route to the desti-
nation without taking account of the follow-
ing, for example:
ț Traffic lights
ț Stop and right-of-way signs
ț Parking or stopping prohibited areas
ț Lane merging
ț Other road and traffic rules and regula-
ț Narrow bridges
COMAND may give incorrect navigation
commands if the data in the digital map
does not correspond with the actual
road/traffic situation. DVD maps do not
cover all areas nor all routes within an area.
For example, if the traffic routing has been
changed or the direction of a one-way road
has been reversed.
For this reason, you must always observe
applicable road and traffic rules and regula-
tions during your journey. Road and traffic
rules and regulations always have priority
over the navigation commands generated by
the system.
Warning! G
Navigation announcements are intended to
direct you while driving without diverting
your attention from the road and driving.
Please always use this feature instead of
consulting the map display for directions.
Consulting the symbols or map display for
directions may cause you to divert your at-
tention from driving and increase your risk
of an accident.