Control systems
Voice Control telephone
After the command “OK”, you will be
prompted up to two times to input the
name. When repeating the name, make
sure that you pronounce it in the same
manner as during the first input. Otherwise
the name cannot be saved and the Voice
Control System cancels the save proce-
Sample dialog:
s Save name
t Please say the number first
s One two three
t One two three
s Four five six seven
t Four five six seven
s OK
t Please say the name
s John Smith
t Please repeat the name
s John Smith
t Do you want to save the number in
a category?
s No
t Name and number saved
“Dial name” (COMAND address book)
Use the command “Dial name” to place a
phone call by selecting a name previously
saved in your personal address book.
Sample dialog:
s Dial name
t Please say the name
s John Smith
If several telephone numbers exist
for the same entry, the Voice Con-
trol System will ask for clarification.
t Do you want to place a work call or
a home call?
s Work
t John Smith work
The Voice Control System may recognize
names even if not saved in your voice. For opti-
mum call-up performance, however, you should
speak and save the names you intend to use
You can also add a name to an entry by call-
ing up the corresponding menu on COMAND and
saying the name twice (
୴ page 163).