Change of address or ownership
If you change your address, be sure to send in the "Change of Address Notice" found in the Owner's Service
and Warranty Policy Booklet. It is in your own interest that we can contact you should the need arise.
If you sell your Mercedes, please leave all owner's literature with the vehicle to make it available to the next owner.
If you bought this vehicle used, be sure to send in the "Notice of Purchase of Used Car" found in the Owner's
Service and Warranty Policy Booklet.
Operating your vehicle outside the USA or Canada
If you plan to operate your vehicle in foreign countries, please be aware that service facilities or replacement
parts may not be readily available.
Certain Mercedes-Benz models are available for delivery in Europe under our European Delivery Program.
For details, consult your authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer or write to:
In the USA: In Canada:
Mercedes-BenzUSA, Mercedes-Benz Canada, Inc.
LLCEuropean Delivery Department European Delivery Department
One Mercedes Drive 849 Eglinton Avenue East
Montvale, NJ 07645 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2L5