Checking Automatic Transmission
Fluid Level
Dipstick locking lever
1 Release
2 Engage
When noticing fluid loss or gear shifting
malfunctions, we recommend to have
your authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer
check the transmission fluid level.
The transmission fluid level should only
be checked with the engine idling,
parking brake engaged and selector lever
in position "P". The vehicle must be
parked on level ground.
Prior to the check, allow engine to idle
for approx. 1 to 2 minutes.
Measure fluid level with the dipstick
completely inserted and the locking lever
released (1).
Extreme cleanliness must be observed!
To wipe the dipstick, use a clean, lint-
free cloth.
To fill the transmission with fluid, pour it
through a fine-mesh filter into the
dipstick opening. Even the slightest
impurity may cause operational troubles.
The fluid level in the transmission is
dependent upon its temperature. The
maximum and minimum fluid level
marks on the dipstick are applicable
references only if the transmission fluid
level has reached its normal operating
temperature of 176° F (80°C).
If the transmission fluid cools down to
68 - 86° F (20 - 30°C), which is the
normal shop temperature range, then
the maximum fluid level will be
approximately 0.4 in (10 mm) below
the minimum mark on the dipstick. We
stress this point because a fluid change
is normally performed when the
transmission fluid has cooled down to
shop temperature.
The fluid level must not exceed the
dipstick maximum mark with the fluid
at operating temperature. Drain or
siphon off excess fluid, if required.
Then push dipstick all the way in and
swing locking lever
downwards (2).