
Inside and Exterior Rear View
Inside Rear View Mirror
The mirror is electrically adjustable.
Antiglare night position: Tilt the mirror
to the antiglare night position using the
lever at its lower edge.
Use your inside mirror to determine the
size and distance of objects seen in the
passenger side convex mirror.
The switch is located on the
center console.
Turn key in steering lock to position 2
(with either front door open, the mirror
can be operated with key removed or
in steering lock position 0 or 1).
Turn switch to position .
To adjust, move the switch forward,
backward or to either side.
Exterior rear view mirror, left
Exterior rear view mirror, right
Exterior Rear View Mirrors
Turn key in steering lock to position 2
(with either front door open, the mirrors
can be operated with key removed or in
steering lock position 0 or 1).
Turn switch to select the mirror to be
To adjust, move the switch forward,
backward or to either side.