Once you enter measurements into the M3D Placement
Calculator, it will help you visualize the approximate
vertical splay angles needed. The calculator will also help
with other rigging considerations. Save the results of these
calculations for use when you assemble the M3D array
as described in the section “Array Assembly and Angle
A laser measuring tool, similar to item 2 in Figure 5, may
also be used to measure the height of venue rigging
beams and the trim height of the array.
TIP: When making measurements and
adjustments to an array, it is much more
convenient to use a laser measuring tool than
a measuring tape.
The M3D Placement Calculator is not an acoustical design
tool and cannot be used to predict array coverage. To
facilitate accurate coverage predictions, however, the
calculator provides detailed positional data that can be
entered into Meyer Sound’s MAPP Online™ acoustical
prediction program. In combination, these two Meyer
Sound tools give you the ability to predict sound coverage
and to calculate the physical placement of arrays to
accomplish the prediction.
The weight distribution elds shown in the M3D Placement
Calculator are calculated for the array in its nal trim
position. During array assembly, it may be necessary for
the front or rear motors to temporarily support the entire
weight of the array. Therefore, when planning the rigging
point loads, you must always plan on this fact regardless
of the results shown in the "Weight on Front/Rear Motor"
NOTE: The Instructions link at the top of the
M3D Placement Calculator page provides
complete instructions for using the M3D
Placement Calculator.
Before starting the actual array assembly and hanging
process, review this section:
DO: Use only properly trained personnel to assemble and
hang M3D arrays.
DO: Pay attention at all times when moving the array with
a motor system. It is often difcult to see the physical
orientation when you are very close to the array. Have a
spotter, as shown in Figure 6, provide “a second set of
eyes” at a position different from the motor operator.
Figure 6: Using a spotter as a “second set of eyes”
DON’T: Place hands between the cabinets.
DON’T: Use the rear cabinet ring/stud ttings for rigging
cabinets or pull back. Use them for system cable support
only. (Refer to the M3D Operating Instructions for cabling
DON’T: Allow the center of gravity to move outside of the
MTG-3D Top Grid once it is in its nal trimmed position.
The M3D's rigging system is designed to be rigid, which
allows for tilting up or down while maintaining the set
relative splay between cabinets and alleviating the need
for any pull back to be used.