out Rigging term denoting hardware moving in an upward direction.
pullback or Rigging term used to describe the process of attaching rope, a sling, or a pullback motor to the
pullback motor bottom rear of an array to achieve further downtilt than is available using the array’s center of gravity
QRP Quick Release Pin, 0.5" x 2." (13 mm x 64 mm), used in all M3D rigging points.
rigging point Sometimes referred to as a lift point. This is the point on an array’s MTG-3D Top Grid where a lifting
motor can be connected. These points have been designed and certied to lift an approved array
conguration. Rigging point is also used to refer to the position in the venue where a motor will be
suspended from the venue structural steel.
SPL Sound pressure level. This is a measurement of the sound energy measured at a specic location in
a venue.
splay The angle between the bottom of a loudspeaker in an array and the top of the next loudspeaker in
the array.
static load A rigging term that describes the actual weight of an array when it is not in motion
top grid A Meyer Sound MTG-3D Top Grid is a rigging element that provides a certied means of transitioning
between lifting motors to the top loudspeaker of an array.
transition frame A Meyer Sound rigging element that provides a certied means of transitioning between different
Meyer Sound loudspeaker types within an array.
trim Also referred to as trimmed position or trim height to mean the nal position of the array after setup.