
Figure 21. Adjusting angle using the alignment block
CAUTION: When the QRPs are removed
from the CamLinks, take care when adjusting
the motor hoists. If the motors are raised too
high with only the rear link’s QRPs installed,
the lower loudspeaker block can swing under
the upper block of own loudspeakers.
Always use small motor bumps when rigging
the system while in this state.
1. Once the rst block of M3D loudspeakers is lifted into
the air, y the assembly to a working height (about
waist high) that will allow easy access to and removal
of the caster rails from the end frames.
2. Unpin the caster rails as shown in Figure 22 and
reinsert one QRP to secure the CamLink. Store the
second pin in the rear link hole. Lift the bottom plate
of the caster rail by leveling the bottom, relieving the
stress on the end frame. Slide them off the end frames
as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 22. Unpinning caster rail
TIP: For easier management of the caster
rails, stack them in an empty motor case
(with lids open if necessary) after removal.
They may then be rolled away and returned
for strike without carrying each caster rail
individually to storage.
Figure 23. Removing caster rail