Microsoft Picture It! Companion Guide
Chapter 2: Making the Most of Your Camera
Of course, adjusting the aperture also affects how much light is let into the
camera. But if a specific depth of field is important for your shot, you can
switch to manual mode, set the aperture, and then set the shutter speed to get
the correct exposure level. Some cameras also offer an aperture priority mode
that automatically selects the correct shutter speed to produce the correct
exposure for the aperture you select.
Shutter Speed
In most cameras, the shutter is the curtain in front of the film or image sensor
that is retracted for a precise amount of time to let light into the camera. Shutter
speed can be adjusted to let light into the camera for a longer or shorter amount
of time.
When determining the correct exposure for a photo, both shutter speed and
aperture must be considered in relation to each other. An increase in shutter
speed, which lessens the time the film is exposed to light, requires that you
widen the aperture to let in more light.
Shutter speeds are measured in fractions of seconds. In automatic mode, many
cameras will use a shutter speed of about 1/125
of a second. For action
photography, a very fast shutter speed, like 1/500
of a second, can help to stop
action and reduce blurring caused by movement of your subject.
A fast shutter speed like 1/250th of a second can help you freeze action.