Microsoft Picture It! Companion Guide
Chapter 4: Picture It! Basics
The zoom percentage control displays the size of the canvas in the
workspace, expressed as a percentage of its actual size, such as 50, 100,
or 200 percent. To change the view size, type a new percentage in the
box, and then press ENTER.
The Zoom to entire page button magnifies or reduces the canvas so
that its largest dimension fits just inside the workspace.
The Zoom to page width button magnifies or reduces the canvas so
that its width fits just inside the workspace.
The Zoom to selection button magnifies or reduces the selected object
so that its largest dimension fits just inside the workspace. This button is
useful when you want to edit just one object in a composite.
The slider control lets you quickly zoom in or out from 1 to
999 percent of actual size. You can drag the slider for fine tuning, or just
click a spot on the slider to zoom in or out quickly. You can also click the
minus (-) or plus (+) buttons to zoom in or out at preset intervals.
The zoom controls do not increase or decrease the resolution of a photo; they
simply control how large a photo looks on the screen.
Pan control
The pan control displays a thumbnail of your active project. When your photo
is enlarged so that the canvas is larger than the workspace, a box appears on top
of the thumbnail. This box represents the part of the picture that is viewable
inside the workspace, and you can drag this box on the thumbnail to view a
different area of the picture. As you zoom in on the canvas, the box becomes
smaller; as you zoom out, the box becomes bigger.
You can drag the box on top of the pan control to move your picture around inside the