
Microsoft Picture It! Companion Guide
Chapter 2: Making the Most of Your Camera
9. Shoot Every Single Day
To become a talented and confident photographer, make photography part of
your daily routine. Fortunately, digital cameras have made it much more
convenient and inexpensive to shoot lots and lots of photos. Once youve
purchased your digital camera, you can take as many photos as you want. The
only cost is for batteries and storage for your photos.
The more you practice, the more confident youll become in your skills and in
your equipment. Youll also develop the habit of keeping your camera close by,
and having it ready for photo opportunities. Train yourself to look for these
opportunities, and take advantage of them when they come to you. Some of the
worlds most memorable photos were taken by amateur photographers who
happened to be in the right place at the right time. So to be ready to take that
once-in-a-lifetime shot, know how to use your gear, have your equipment
handy, and be on the lookout for great photo material.
10. Show Your Photos to Other People
Even when you are making great progress with your photography skills, its
easy to overlook the shortcomings in your own work. To continue improving
your abilities, show your photos to other people. Getting others opinions is an
invaluable learning experience.
Good photos should be visually exciting to people, eliciting a Wow, this is
great! response. If you find that people are not very excited by your photos,
ask them what they think is missing, and what you could do to make them
better. Youll be surprised what some people like and do not like about your