FX3G/FX3U/FX3UC Series Programmable Controllers
Programming Manual - Basic & Applied Instruction Edition
19 Data Operation 2 – FNC140 to FNC149
19.7 FNC149 – SORT2 / Sort Tabulated Data 2
Related devices
→ For the instruction execution complete flag use method, refer to Subsection 6.5.2.
Related instruction
• Do not change the contents of operands and data during operation.
• To execute SORT2 instruction again, set the command input to OFF once, then ON again.
• Limitation in number of SORT2 instructions
Up to two SORT2 instructions can be simultaneously driven in a program.
• Writing during RUN is disabled for a circuit block including SORT2 instruction.
• When the same device is specified in and
The source data is overwritten with the data acquired by sorting.
Pay close attention not to change the contents of until execution of SORT2 instruction is completed.
• Ensure that the sorted data does not overlap with the source data.
• Note that the 32-bit values [m1+1, m1] and [n+1, n] are valid when D or R is specified as "m1" or "n" in a 32-bit
In the case of "DSORT2 D0 D50 K4 D100 R0", "m1" is [D51, D50], and "n" is [R1, R0].
Device Name Description
M8029 Instruction execution complete Turns ON when data sorting is completed.
M8165 Descending order
Sorts data in the descending order when set to ON.
Sorts data in the ascending order when set to OFF.
Instruction Description
Sort tabulated data
This instruction sorts a data table consisting of data (lines) and group data (columns) based on a specified
group data (column) sorted by line in ascending order. This instruction stores the group data (columns) in
serial devices.
Source Data
Sorted Data
Source Data Source Data
Source Data
Sorted Data
Sorted DataSorted Data
Sorted Data
Source Data
D10 D10D30 D30
D2 D22 D20
D10 D10
D30 D30
D50 D70