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5.1.5 Standard RAM Note1
(1) Definition
This memory is for using file registers, local devices, and sampling trace files without a memory card.
Storing the file registers in the standard RAM allows fast access as data registers do.
The memory is also used for storing a module error collection file.
If the size of files to be stored exceeds the standard RAM capacity:
• store the files in the memory card, or
• reduce the number of points of the file register, local device, or sampling trace.
Note when file registers are stored in the memory card, the access speed will be slower than when they are
stored in the standard RAM.
(2) Before using the standard RAM
Format the standard RAM by GX Developer.
(a) Formatting
Select [Online] [Format PLC memory] in GX Developer.
Select "Standard RAM" in “Target memory”
Figure 5.9 Formatting the standard RAM
The Q00UJCPU does not have the standard RAM.