App - 36
2) Subroutine program
• In the subroutine program, an failure status is checked using a failure detection ladder pattern.
• If a failure is detected, a failure number is stored in D200 and the annunciator F200 is turned on.
• Specify the following arguments for the subroutine program.
(d) Replacement method when failure detection ladder patterns are changed by the CHKCIR and
CHKEND instructions
Failure detection ladder patterns can be changed in the subroutine program described in (c).
First argument Device number of X device targeted for failure check (Input)
Second argument Contact number of X device targeted for failure check (Input)
Figure App.14 Sample program
<Failure detection target>
If a failure is detected, the
coil number corresponding
to the failure type is set to
If a failure is detected, a
failure number is created
by combining the coil
number corresponding to
the fail
ure type and the
contact number.
The annunciator is turned