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Automatic transfer to the program memory can be set to be disabled in the Options screen of GX Developer.
When the automatic transfer is set to be disabled, the following message appears after online change.
Selecting "Yes" transfers data to the program memory.
Selecting "No" does not transfer data to the program memory.
When selecting "No", execute "Program memory batch transfer" by GX Developer.Note1
Program transfer status can be checked by the special relay (SM165). Note6.5
When SM165 is on, the program memory batch transfer has not completed.
When SM165 is off, the program memory batch transfer has completed.
Figure 6.58 Online change/TC setting value change program memory transfer settings
Data are not automatically
transferred to the program
memory by deselecting
When checking the batch transfer status to the program memory with the Q02UCPU,Q03UDCPU,Q04UDHCPU, or
Q06UDHCPU, check the versions of the CPU module and GX Developer.( Appendix 2)