(4) The use of the END and FEND instructions is broken down as follows for main routine
programs, subroutine programs, and interrupt programs:
Operation Error
(1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and
an error code is stored into SD0.
• The END instruction was executed before the execution of the RET instruction and after
the execution of the CALL, FCALL, ECALL, or EFCALL instruction.
(Error code: 4211)
• The END instruction was executed before the execution of the NEXT instruction and after
the execution of the FOR instruction.
(Error code: 4200)
• The END instruction was executed during an interrupt program prior to the execution of
the IRET instruction.
(Error code: 4221)
• The END instruction was executed within the CHKCIR to CHKEND instruction loop.
(Error code: 4230)
• The END instruction was executed within the IX to IXEND instruction loop.
(Error code: 4231)
Main routine program
Interrupt program
Main sequence
program area
Subroutine program
(FEND instruction is necessary.)
(END instruction is necessary.)