Index - 12
S.TO................................................................... 9-4
TO ...................................................................... 9-7
WSUM (Calculation of totals for 16-bit data) ....... 7-99
WTOB (Data dissociation in byte units) ............... 7-85
WXNR (16-bit data exclusive NOR operation)..... 7-27
WXNR (16-bit data non-exclusive logical sum
operations)........................................................... 7-30
WXOR (16-bit exclusive OR operations) ..... 7-19,7-22
XCALL (Subroutine program call)...................... 7-129
XCH (32-bit data exchange) .............................. 6-124
ZCOM (Network refresh instruction) ...................... 8-2
ZONE (Zone control for BIN 16-bit)
Zone control for BIN 16-bit (ZONE)
Zone control for BIN 32-bit data (DZONE)
ZPOP (Batch recovery of index register)........... 7-400
ZPUSH (Batch save of index register)............... 7-400
ZRRDB (Direct 1-byte read from file register).... 7-391
ZRWRB (File register direct 1-byte write).......... 7-393