(2) As program execution type conversions by PSCAN and PSTOP instructions occur at the
END processing, such conversions are impossible during program execution.
When different execution types have been set for the same program in the same scan, the
execution type will be that specified by the execution switching command that was executed
*1: The order of "GHI" and "DEF" program execution is determined by the program settings parameters.
Switching from the fixed scan execution type program to the execution type program is
performed in the following timing.
(a) For the Universal model QCPU
The execution type is changed when the execution of the fixed scan execution type is
stopped at the END processing after the program control instruction execution.
(b) For the CPU modules other than the Universal model QCPU
The execution of the fixed scan execution type is stopped at the execution of the
program control instruction, and the execution type is changed at the END processing.
(3) When the POFF instruction is executed, the output is turned OFF at the next scan, and the
execution type will be the stand-by type at the second next scan and later.
If executed prior to the output OFF processing, the program control instruction is ignored.
END processing
*1 *1
PSTO executes "ABC"
PSCAN executes "DEF"
program name
END processing END processing
Converts "DEF" into the scan execution
type program and "ABC" to the stand-by
type program