MSR120 Programmer’s Manual UDN PM010, Rev. 1.1
Section 4 – Commands and Responses 2003/1/21
ESC (1Bh) ― Abort
1 Abort command is issued after the first character of double character "read" command has been issued.
2 Abort command is issued after the reader has responded to command "P" or "p". (Reader would be waiting
for card swipe to read).
3 No response to “Abort” command if the reader just power on and no command is received before.
9 (39h) ― Version Report
Transmit a string that includes the version number (8-digit) and its date (mmddyy).
DEL (7Fh) ― Warm Reset
Abort all current actions and cause the device to execute all initialization functions (device will respond exactly as
it would for a "power on" cycle).
Note: This command byte is not recognized as a command within data strings.
$ (24h) ― Reader Status Request
Transmit one byte representing the reader status as follows:
Table 4-3. Reader Status
Bit 0 1
1 & 0 00:Green LED off
01:Green LED on
10:Green LED flash
3 & 2 00:Red LED off
01:Red LED on
10:Red LED flash
4 Buzzer disable Buzzer enable
5 No magstripe data Magstripe data available
6 Not ready to read Ready to read
7 Parity for protocols 0 &1 Not used for protocol 2
Reader to Host
^ (5Eh) ― ACK
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