MSR120 Programmer’s Manual UDN PM010, Rev. 1.1
Section 5 – Configuration Commands 2003/1/21
s1 (46h 61h x) - Set Track 1 Suffix Code
1 Suffix can be set as 1-6 characters
2 If first character = 00h, suffix code of track 1 will not be send. It means this function is disabling.
Table 5-12. Set Track 1 Suffix Code
Command Form (Hex)
Track 1 Suffix Code
09h 00h 03h 73h 31h 00h 48h Disable (default)
Example of Track 1 Suffix Code Setting
09h 00h 03h 73h 31h 06h 4Eh One character: 06h
s2 data (73h 32h data) - Set Track 2 Suffix Code
1 Suffix can be set as 1-6 characters
2 If first character = 00h, suffix code of track 2 will not be send. It means this function is disabling.
Table 5-13. Set Track 2 Suffix Code
Command Form (Hex)
Track 2 Suffix Code
09h 00h 03h 73h 32h 00h 4Bh Disable (default)
Example of Track 2 Suffix Code Setting
09h 00h 03h 73h 32h 06h 4Dh One character: 06h
s3 data (73h 33h data) - Set Track 3 Suffix Code
1 Suffix can be set as 1-6 characters
2 If first character = 00h, suffix code of track 3 will not be send. It means this function is disabling.
Table 5-14. Set Track 3 Suffix Code
Command Form (Hex)
Track 3 Suffix Code
09h 00h 03h 73h 33h 00h 4Ah Disable (default)
Example of Track 3 Suffix Code Setting
09h 00h 03h 73h 33h 06h 4Ch One character: 06h
K1A type start end (4Bh 31h 41h type start end)
- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel A of Track 1
where type means card type, start means start address of transmitting data, and end means end address of
transmitting data.
1 (31H) CA old DMV
2 (32H) AAMVA
3 (33H) ISO
4 (34H) JIS
6 (36h) Trade Show
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