© National Instruments Corp. A-1 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Appendix A
Status Word Conditions
This appendix gives a detailed description of the conditions reported in the status word,
For information about how to use ibsta in your application program, refer to Chapter 3,
Developing Your Application.
If a function call returns an ENEB or EDVR error, all status word bits except the ERR bit
are cleared, indicating that it is not possible to obtain the status of the GPIB board.
Each bit in ibsta can be set for device calls (dev), board calls (brd), or both (dev, brd).
The following table lists the status word bits.
Table A-1. Status Word Bits
Value Type Description
ERR 15 8000 dev, brd GPIB error
TIMO 14 4000 dev, brd Time limit exceeded
END 13 2000 dev, brd END or EOS detected
SRQI 12 1000 brd SRQ interrupt received
RQS 11 800 dev Device requesting service
SPOLL 10 400 brd Board has been serial polled by
EVENT 9 200 brd DCAS, DTAS, or IFC event has occurred
CMPL 8 100 dev, brd I/O completed
LOK 7 80 brd Lockout State
REM 6 40 brd Remote State
CIC 5 20 brd Controller-In-Charge
ATN 4 10 brd Attention is asserted
TACS 3 8 brd Talker
LACS 2 4 brd Listener
DTAS 1 2 brd Device Trigger State
DCAS 0 1 brd Device Clear State