
© National Instruments Corp. Glossary-3 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
END or END message A message that signals the end of a data string. END is sent
by asserting the GPIB End or Identify (EOI) line with the last
data byte.
EOI A GPIB line that is used to signal either the last byte of a data
message (END) or the parallel poll Identify (IDY) message.
EOS or EOS byte A 7- or 8-bit end-of-string character that is sent as the last byte
of a data message.
EOT End of transmission.
ESB The Event Status bit is part of the IEEE 488.2-defined status
byte which is received from a device responding to a serial
GET Group Execute Trigger is the GPIB command used to trigger a
device or internal function of an addressed Listener.
Go To Local See GTL.
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus is the common name for the
communications interface system defined in ANSI/IEEE
Standard 488.1-1987 and ANSI/IEEE Standard 488.2-1987.
GPIB address The address of a device on the GPIB, composed of a primary
address (MLA and MTA) and an optional secondary address
(MSA). The GPIB board has both a GPIB address and an I/O
GPIB board Refers to the National Instruments family of GPIB interface
Group Executed Trigger See GET.
GTL Go To Local is the GPIB command used to place an addressed
Listener in local (front panel) control mode.