
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows Glossary-6 © National Instruments Corp.
NDAC One of the three GPIB handshake lines. See
(Not Data Accepted) handshake.
NRFD One of the three GPIB handshake lines. See
(Not Ready For Data) handshake.
parallel poll The process of polling all configured devices at once and
reading a composite poll response. See serial poll.
PIO See programmed I/O.
PPC Parallel Poll Configure is the GPIB command
(Parallel Poll Configure) used to configure an addressed Listener to participate in polls.
PPD Parallel Poll Disable is the GPIB command used
(Parallel Poll Disable) to disable a configured device from participating in polls.
There are 16 PPD commands.
PPE Parallel Poll Enable is the GPIB command used
(Parallel Poll Enable) to enable a configured device to participate in polls and to
assign a DIO response line. There are 16 PPE commands.
PPU Parallel Poll Unconfigure is the GPIB command
(Parallel Poll used to disable any device from participating in
Unconfigure) polls.
programmed I/O Low-speed data transfer between the GPIB board and memory
in which the CPU moves each data byte according to program
instructions. See DMA.
RAM Random-access memory.
resynchronize The NI-488.2 software and the user application must
resynchronize after asynchronous I/O operations have
RQS Request Service.