User's manual NAVIGON 5100 | 5110
Before you begin - 13 -
The calculation of the current position and its representation on the map
takes place once every second. So your current position is always
shown on the map.
2.5 Important safety information
In your own interest, please read the following notices and safety
information carefully before starting up your navigation system.
2.5.1 Navigation safety information
Use navigation system at your own risk.
Caution! To prevent accidents, do not operate the navigation system
while driving.
Caution! Do not look at the display unless it is absolutely safe to do so!
Caution! Traffic regulations have priority over any instructions from the
navigation system.
Caution! Only follow the instructions of the navigation system when the
circumstances and the road traffic regulations allow you to do so! The
navigation system will guide you to your destination even if you deviate
from the calculated route.
Caution! Check that the cradle is secured and adjusted properly before
each journey.
Note: If you have not understood the spoken instructions, or you're not
sure about what to do next, you can refer briefly to the map or arrow
view of your navigation system.
2.5.2 Safety information for the navigation device
Caution! Protect the device from moisture. The device is neither
waterproof nor is it protected against splash water.
Caution! Do not run cables directly next to safety-relevant devices and
supply lines.
Caution! After installation, check all safety-relevant equipment in the