
User's manual NAVIGON 5100 | 5110
Working with the map - 41 -
9.4 Reality View
When, during navigation, you approach a motorway junction, the map
will change to Reality View mode.
The Reality View mode shows very clearly, the signposting and lanes
you must follow.
This display remains unchanged until you have passed the motorway
junction. The map will then change back to Navigation mode.
If you want to change to Navigation mode before you have passed
the junction, just tap any point on the map.
Note: Reality View mode is not available for every motorway junction.
Availability is dependent on the map data in use.
9.5 Map in Destination search mode
The map is always in Destination search mode when a pair of cross
hairs can be seen.
When you are driving, the map's orientation does not change. It is
always oriented with north at the top.