User’s manual NAVIGON 72xx
Password Lock - 15 -
Note: If you have not used the NAVIGON 72xx for a long time, the
battery may be flat.
In this case the device needs to be charged for approximately 3 minutes
before it can be switched on.
Forgotten your password?
If you forget your password, follow the procedure described in
Forgotten your password?" on page 16.
Switching off the navigation device
► Press the (On/Off) key and keep it pressed until the device
switches off. (Approx. 2 seconds)
Note: If, when switching off the device, you press the
(On/Off) key
and keep it pressed for a long time (longer than approx. 6 seconds), the
device will perform a software restart the next time you switch it on.
Your settings and your saved destinations and routes will be retained.
3.1 Options
Some windows offer options that lead to more functions.
A description of all available options can be found in the chapter
Options" on page 37.
4 Password Lock
You can protect your navigation system from unauthoriised use by
creating a password.
4.1 Activating password protection
1. In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > Options >
Password Lock
The N
EW PASSWORD window opens.
2. Enter a password in the New password
box and tap on Next.
3. Enter this password again in the Confirm new password
4. Tap on Activate
Note: The password must have exactly 4 digits.