User’s manual NAVIGON 72xx
Handsfree Module - 57 -
1. In the HANDSFREE MODULE window, tap on Settings > Preset.
The M
ODIFY PRESET window opens.
2. Tap on the Speed Call button that you want to edit.
Entering a new Speed Call number or editing an existing Speed
Call number
3. Tap on the Edit button.
4. Enter the name and the number for the selected Speed Call button
or edit the existing name and number.
5. Tap on OK
Adopting a number from the phone book of the mobile phone
3. Tap on the From Phone Book button. This button is deactivated
when there is no connection to a mobile phone.
4. Tap on the entry which you want to adopt for the Speed Call.
5. Tap on OK.
Deleting a Speed Call number
3. Tap on the Delete button.
4. Confirm that you want to delete the Speed Call number.
The M
ODIFY PRESET window opens again. No phone number and
no name exist any longer for the selected Speed Call button.
7.5.2 Handsfree Settings
In the HANDSFREE SETTINGS window you can configure the settings for
the phone functions of the hands-free module of your NAVIGON 72xx.
► In the HANDSFREE MODULE window, tap on Settings > Handsfree
The H
Volume of the Phone Call
: The volume of the phone call can be controlled
independently of the volume of the navigation application.
Volume of the Ring Tone
: The volume of the ring tone can be controlled
independently of the volume of the navigation application.
7.5.3 Bluetooth Function
► In the HANDSFREE MODULE window, tap on Settings > Bluetooth
The B