
User’s manual NAVIGON 72xx
- 16 - Operating the NAVIGON 72xx
4.2 Changing a password
1. In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > Options >
Password Lock
The E
NTER PASSWORD window opens.
2. Enter the currently valid password in the Enter password
3. Tap on Change password
The N
EW PASSWORD window opens.
4. Enter a password in the New password
box and tap on Next.
5. Enter this password again in the Confirm new password
6. Tap on Activate
Note: The new password must have exactly 4 digits.
4.3 Cancelling password protection
1. In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > Options >
Password Lock
The E
NTER PASSWORD window opens.
2. Enter the currently valid password in the Enter password
3. Tap on Deactivate
4.4 Forgotten your password?
If you enter the password wrongly three times, a window will open with
instructions telling you what to do now.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
5 Operating the NAVIGON 72xx
5.1 Information
Various information symbols are located at the top of many windows.
The GPS symbol can indicate the following GPS reception states:
No GPS (No symbol): The built-in GPS receiver is not operational.
Contact customer service if the problem persists.
No Signal: Data is being received from less than three satellites.
Position cannot be calculated.