User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311
Introd uction Chapter 2-5
Exchange files
between a
com puter and
other com puters
in a m y
com bined
wireless and
wired network.
1. U se the
fe a tu re to
browse for
com puters in
the combined
wireless and
wired network.
2. Browse the
hard drive of
the target
com puter in
th e n e twork i n
ord e r to lo ca te
th e d ire ctory or
file s you wa n t
to work with .
3. U se the
Explorer copy
and paste
fu n ctio n s to
exchange files
b e twe e n th e
com puters.
1. The desktop computer I am
u s i n g to co n n e ct to th e
wireless network needs to be
con fig u re d with th e W i n d o ws
Client and File and Print
2. The desktop computer I am
u s i n g to co n n e ct to th e
wireless network needs to be
con fig u re d with th e s a m e
W indows W orkgroup or
D o m a in s e tti n gs a s th e oth e r
W indows computers in the
com bined wireless and wired
3. Any Windows networking
security access rights such as
login user name/ password
that have been assigned in the
W indows network or for
sharing particular files must be
provided when W indows
prompts for such information.
4. If so-called W indows ‘peer’
W orkgroup networking is being
used, the drive, file system
d irectory, or file need to be
enabled for sharing.
For assistance with W indows
networking software, see
A p p end ix C , “P rep arin g You r
P Cs for N etwork Access” for
configuration scenarios or refer
to th e H e l p s ys te m i n clu d e d wi th
your version of W indows.
W indows D omain settings are
usually managed by corporate
com puter support groups.
W indows W orkgroup settings
are commonly managed by
ind ivid uals who want to set u p
s m a l l n e two rk s i n th e ir h o m e s , or
small offices.
F or a ss i s ta n ce wi th s e ttin g u p
W i n d ows n e tworki n g, re fe r to th e
P C N e tworki n g T u toria l on th e
Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311
Resource CD and the H elp
information provided in the
W indows system you are using.
Table 2-1. A Road Map for How to Get There From Here
If I Want To ... ? What Do I Do? What’s Needed? How Do I?