
Troubleshooting 5-1
Chapter 5
This chapter provides information about troubleshooting your NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless
PCI Adapter WPN311. After each problem description, instructions are given to help you diagnose
and solve the problem.
Also, for problems with accessing network resources, the Windows software might not be installed
and configured properly on your computers. Please refer to Appendix C, “Preparing Your PCs for
Network Access” of the Reference Manual on the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter
WPN311 Resource CD.
Frequently Asked Questions
Use the information below to solve common problems you may encounter. Also, please refer to the
knowledge base on the NETGEAR Web site at www.netgear.com/support/main.asp.
General Questions
Why do I see no more than 54 Mbps on the Configuration Utility status line?
The product literature says the WPN311 can operate at 108 Mbps. You are probably connecting to
a standard 802.11g network. If you use the NETGEAR WGT624 108 Mbps Wireless Firewall
Router or WG634U 108 Mbps Wireless Media Router, you will see network speeds up to 108
The WPN311 Smart Configuration Utility keeps asking me to save my settings
This is because you have made changes to the settings and the utility is offering you the chance to
save the changes. If you want to avoid these Profile setting prompts, simply click Apply before
you close the utility program.