User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311
3-12 Basic Setup
Interpreting System Tray Icon Colors
The System Tray (SysTray) resides on one end of the taskbar in the Microsoft Windows desktop.
Basic Troubleshooting Tips
If you have problems connecting to your wireless network, try the tips below. If this does not solve
the problem, see “Frequently Asked Questions” on page 5-1.
Also, for problems with accessing network resources, the Windows software might not be installed
and configured properly on your computers. Please refer to Appendix C, “Preparing Your PCs for
Network Access” of the Reference Manual on the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter
WPN311 Resource CD.
Color Condition Description
R ed Th e wireless P C I A d ap ter
has no connection to any
oth er wireless nod e.
Th e wireless P C I A d ap ter is not ab le to link to any oth er
wireless node or the link is lost. C heck your configuration or try
m ovi n g to a loca ti on wh e re th e wire l e ss s i g n a l qu a li ty i s b e tte r.
Yellow The wireless P C I Ad apter
has a connection with
an oth er wireless n od e.
T h e wi re le ss l i n k is we a k . Y ou m a y d e e d to m ove to a b e tte r
spot, such as closer to the wireless access point. Also, look for
possible interference such as a 2.4 G H z cordless phone or
large metal surface.
G reen The wireless P C I Adapter
has a connection with
an oth er wireless n od e.
The wireless P CI Adapter has established good communication
with an access point and the signal quality is strong.
Symptom Cause Solution
I can connect to an
a cce s s p oin t, b u t I
ca n n ot con n e ct to
other com puters on
th e n etwork o r th e
This could be a
physical layer problem
or a network
configuration problem.
C h e ck to m a k e su re th a t th e a cce s s p o in t is p h y si ca ll y
connected to the E thernet network.
M ake sure that the IP addresses and the W indows networking
p a ram eters are all configu red correctly.
R estart the cable or D SL modem, router, access point, and
notebook PC.