
Backgrounds and
Background Stands
When you want to isolate the subject, mak-
ing it the sole focus of the image, use a
background. Backgrounds can also be used
to compliment the color of an object or to
accent a certain feature of the person
whose portrait you are taking.
Backgrounds come in almost as many col-
ors and materials as you can imagine. The
following sections discuss some of the dif-
ferent types and applications.
Seamless paper
The most common type of backgrounds are
made of paper. Seamless paper backdrops
are inexpensive and come in every color
imaginable. Standard rolls of background
paper range in size from 3-feet to 12-feet
wide, and can be as long as 36 feet. The
great thing about using paper as a back-
ground is that if it gets dirty or torn you can
cut it off and pull more down from the roll.
Starting out, getting a roll of neutral grey
paper is best. You can use this color for just
about any subject without worrying about
the color of your subject clashing with the
background. White paper is good for photo-
graphing high-key subjects, while a black
background is good for photographing low-
key subjects.
92 Part II Creating Great Photos with the Creative Lighting System
5.4 A diffusion panel
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