Event and wedding
photography tips
✦ Take lots of shots. When there is
a lot of movement and action
going on around you at an event,
you never know what you may
miss if you stop shooting during a
demonstration or ceremony, for
example. So, you might end up
with the best picture of the day
just when you were ready to put
your camera down.
✦ Be prepared. Make sure you have
everything you need. Be sure you
have enough memory cards for
your camera and batteries for your
✦ Get there early. If you get there
early, especially with popular
events, you can get some shots of
the setup, preparations, and sur-
rounding without so many people
to contend with. You can also
scout out locations for events that
may occur during festivals, for
example, so you can find the best
location to get your photos.
✦ Be aware. You want to catch any-
thing interesting or pertinent to the
event, so keep your eyes open.
126 Part II ✦ Creating Great Photos with the Creative Lighting System
Portrait Photography
Environmental portraits show people in
their environment, which isn’t necessarily in
an outside setting. A typical environmental
portrait may show the CEO of a corporation
with his factory in the background, an
author in his study, or a farmer in his field.
The best way to decide what environment
to photograph your subject in is to get to
know the person. Talk to your subjects to
find out what they do for living or what their
hobbies are. If possible, visit places of
employment, worksites, and other pertinent
locations to look for suitable backgrounds.