of arms and hands, 166
basic techniques for, 164–165
casual, 172–173
discussed, 163
glamour style, 174–176
of groups, 131–135
of head and neck, 167–170
instructing subject for, 171
photojournalistic, 173–174
planning for, 162, 171–176
poor, 171
refined techniques for, 165–170
traditional, 173
for wedding photography, 122
accessories for, 17
battery. See batteries
for lighting, 50, 52
non-rechargable, 30
rechargeable, 29, 30–31
for SB-600, 29
for SB-800, 14, 17, 29
SD-800 quick recycle battery pack, 17
for Speedlights, 29–31
pre-flashes, 10
preset white balance, 62, 64–65
pro level Nikon dSLR cameras, 87
product photography
discussed, 102, 153
inspiration for, 154
lighting for, 37, 102
practice exercises for, 155–156
space requirements for, 102
tips for, 156
prosumer Nikon dSLR cameras. See specific
types, e.g.: D70/D70S
pulse modulation, 31, 76
quick recycle battery pack (SD-800), 17, 31
R1 kit, 27
R1C1 kit, 27
ratios (lighting), 59
RAW conversion software, 65
RAW mode, 65
ready light
in SB-600, 20
for SB-800, 14
real-world applications
for action photography, 107–112
for animal photography, 113–116
for close-up photography, 135–140
for concert photography, 117–121
discussed, 107
for environmental portrait photography,
for event photography, 121–126
for group photography, 131–135
for macro photography, 135–140
for nature photography, 140–145
for night portrait photography, 145–148
for outdoor portrait photography,
for pet photography, 113–116
for product photography, 153–157
for sports photography, 107–112
for still life photography, 153–157
for studio portrait photography,
for wedding photography, 121–126
for wildlife photography, 140–145
rechargeable batteries, 29, 30–31
recycling time (lighting), 52
of animals, 115
described, 42
red-eye reduction
discussed, 42–43
in SB-600 Speedlight, 18
in SB-800, 11
setup for, 42–44, 43
reflector disk, 88, 161
release document, 109
Rembrandt lighting, 96
Rembrandt van Rijn, 96
remote flash
channel setting for, 82–83
SB-600 Speedlight as, 87
wireless, 34–35, 82–83
Index ✦ P—R 197