Copying Network Profiles to the Camera / Infrastructure Networks
Uploading Images to an ftp Server
Enter ftp settings and click [Next].
• FTP server: Enter the URL or IP address of the ftp server.
• FTP server port: Enter the port number for the ftp server. The
default port is 21.
• FTP path: Choose the folder to which pictures will be
uploaded. If no path is specified, pictures will be uploaded
to the folder specified in Step 12 of “Creating an ftp Server:
Windows Vista” (Windows Vista) or Step 8 of “Creating an ftp
Server: Windows XP” (Windows XP) or to the home folder for
the current user (Mac OS X).
• Anonymous login: Select this option for anonymous login, or
leave this option unchecked to supply a [User ID] and
• Use proxy server: If a proxy server is required for ftp, select this
option and enter the server name and port number for the
proxy server.
• PASV mode: Select this option to use PASV mode.